49 Court Drive, Brandon, Vermont 05733
802.247.5757 –
...dedicated to the development of character, competence, creativity and community.
Oct.20, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians
After careful consideration, we will pilot Surveillance COVID testing for students as an option for you to consider. We will offer this every other Wednesday, starting on Oct 27, for those students who have parental consent on file.
Tests are completely free and test results will be emailed to the parent. We are notified if there is a positive result and will work with parents on the steps to take in this situation.
If you are interested in having your child, ages 5- 18, tested for COVID at school, we will need your consent. Consents received by Monday, Oct 25 will be able to be tested on Oct 27. Consents coming in after that date will be held for the next testing date. Consent is needed only once for continued participation in the program.
Please go to this web page to give consent or ask the school for a paper consent form.
CIC Health COVID-19 Testing for Schools Consent webpage
Who is eligible to test?
All students and staff ages 5 and up, regardless of vaccination status, will be eligible for testing.
Are students required to participate in the testing program?
No. Testing will be opt-in at the student level. We will collect and record parental consent for testing using a consent form from CIC Health.
What will happen on testing day?
We will test students every other Wednesday morning at their school
Do I need to quarantine while waiting for results?
No. This testing is asymptomatic, surveillance testing and students and staff do not need to quarantine while they wait for results.
Who will administer the test?
These tests are self-administered, meaning that students will be collecting their own sample by swabbing their nostrils. The sampling will be observed by a school staff member. Here is a video that explains the process of testing. COVID-19 testing in Vermont: How take your own sample
How will results be communicated?
Results will be available to students and parents via a private login to a personal testing portal. In the event of a positive test, the family will receive a call from the Vermont Department of Health.
If the case is determined to have been infectious while at school, the district/school administration will be notified, and the school will be offered additional follow up testing in the following days.
The number of positive tests will be reported in the Health Department's statewide and county-by-county daily case totals.
What do the test results “Inconclusive” and “Test Not Processed” mean? Do staff or students need to get another test or quarantine?
A result of “Test Not Processed” occurs when a sample cannot be analyzed. Reasons may include a damaged label, or samples that include too much blood or mucus. This result does not mean that the test is positive and the individual does not need to take any additional precautions beyond the health guidance already in place, but we do encourage testers to seek out a local test site to get retested.
A result of “Inconclusive” occurs when a sample was able to be analyzed, but there was an insufficient amount of genetic material for a clear result. Inconclusive results can sometimes occur at the beginning or end of an individual’s illness, when the genetic load is too low for detection. However, recipients of an “Inconclusive” result who are asymptomatic do not need to quarantine or take additional precautions beyond the recommendations in the health guidance.
Can students and staff who have received one or both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine participate in the surveillance testing program?
Yes. All students and staff over the age of five are eligible to participate in the surveillance testing program regardless of vaccination status and are encouraged to do so.
Does a medical professional need to administer the test for students aged 5-7?
No, an update has been made to the previous process and self-administered tests are now allowable for all students aged five and up.
How do I give consent for my student to be tested?
Go to the CIC Health COVID-19 Testing for Schools Consent webpage.
CIC Health COVID-19 Testing for Schools Consent webpage
Or you may print the form below or ask the school to send you a copy of the Consent Form in the link below.
VT Minor COVID Test Consent Form (PDF)
Please let your school nurse know if you have any questions.
Jeanné Collins, Superintendent of RNESU
School Safety Hotline # (844) 723-3488 or or text to 274637, type in keyword SAFE4VT and then your tip