RNESU Firefighters

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you to everyone for helping the schools get off to such a great start. The students are doing very well with the masking protocols.  While we have had some positive cases in our community, as of this email we have not had any affect on the schools. We appreciate how students are staying home when sick or exposed. It makes me hopeful for a smoother year!

In this email:

  1. What to Expect If Positive Case in School
  2. Resources for Parents with Unstable Housing
  3. Early Release Day Friday Sept. 17
  4. Veggie Van Go Sept 20 at OVUHS
  5. Board Meetings

 What to Expect if We Have a COVID Case in the School

When a student or staff member identifies symptoms or exposure to someone with symptoms, we immediately begin a process called Contact Tracing. The current process has us identify anyone who was within 6 feet of that person for 15 minutes or more or was within the classroom for more than four hours with the sick person. We then follow the VT Dept of Health guidelines and notify the close contacts of the requirements to quarantine and get tested. You can read this information at the link below.

What to do when COVID-19 is in PreK-12 School, Child Care, Camps and Out of School Programs 

If only a few in a classroom are quarantined, we likely will continue with the class in session as those few quarantine. If a large number within a class is affected by the exposure, we may need to close the class and teach remotely during quarantine. If this occurs, we likely will give the teacher one day to pivot and prepare both synchronous and asynchronous lessons and will help make sure all students have the technology they need. This is one important reason we continue to provide a Chromebook to all students this year and ask teachers to post homework on Google Classroom or SeeSaw.

Resources to Support Families with Unstable Housing

From time to time, our families face financial or housing challenges, especially during the pandemic. There is a federal law that provides educational stability and resources for families in need. We have started a web page to capture this information. Check it out here and if you need support, please reach out to your school guidance counselor who can help connect you.   https://www.rnesu.org/page/services-for-homeless

 Early Release Day Friday Sept 17

This year, once a month, we are asking all teachers to work collaboratively on reviewing student data and developing lessons that respond to the students’ needs. This is part of our Recovery Plan as well as part of the state of Vermont’s focus on a multi-tiered system of support. As we invested in additional academic interventionists this year to support struggling students, we need to also involve classroom teachers in the data review and response. Therefore we will hold one Early Release Day every month during the 21-22 school year.

 The early release days will be a half day of school in the morning, and students will be sent home at lunch times. Exact times may vary by school and will be announced in August, but roughly around 11:30 am. Students will be given lunch at school or lunch will be sent home. We chose one Friday each month, as that seemed to be the best for parent work schedules and family schedules.

 Early release dates are below. You can see the full 21-22 calendar here. https://tinyurl.com/ysru733a

 Early release dates: Sept 17, Oct 15, Nov 19, Dec 17, Jan 21, Feb 11, March 11, April 8, May 20. Please put these dates in your calendar now as you plan out the school year.


On Monday, Sept 20, from 10-11am, the Vermont Foodbank will distribute free fruits and veggies at Otter Valley Middle and High School, 2997 Franklin St, Brandon, VT 05733, through their Veggie Van Go Program.  All families of school children and staff are welcome!!

This free monthly produce distribution (3rd Monday of each month) event is open to all students, families, and staff affiliated with all Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Schools: Barstow Memorial, Lothrop Elementary, Neshobe Elementary, Otter Creek Academy at Leicester, Sudbury and Whiting., & Otter Valley Middle and High School. There are no eligibility requirements and no reservations needed.

We need 6 volunteers on Monday, Sept 20 from 9:30- 11 am. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining us, please feel free to register here: https://vtfoodbank.volunteerhub.com/ . Any questions? Please feel free to contact Volunteer Services anytime or encourage anyone you know with questions to get in touch at volunteer@vtfoodbank.org

BOARD Meetings

In August, Board meetings returned to in-person meetings with a zoom option for those who wish to attend virtually. Meeting information can be found on the district calendar or on the district website, www.rnesu.org

  •  BUU Board meets Sept 20, 6 pm. This meeting is currently slated to be virtual with an in person option at Central Office.
  • RNESU Board meets Sept 15, 5 pm @ Sudbury
  • OVUU Board meets Sept. 15, 6 pm @ Sudbury and will focus on discussions about OVUU facilities.

September 11 Remembrance

Thank you to the Brandon Fire Department for this honoring of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 on our campus. May we all take a moment to remember.

Enjoy the weekend. See you next week!


 Jeanné Collins, Superintendent of RNESU